Identity for fine winemaker Trujillo
Helped refine and finalize the logo artwork for the Trujillo winery located in St. Helena (above)
As part of design team at Madeleine Corson Design
Architectural graphics for City of San Francisco
Helped complete and organize the architectural graphics package for the new construction of the San Francisco Public Safety Campus (excerpt below)
Reviewed fabricator submittals and prototypes
As part of design team at Madeleine Corson Design

Campus signage for UC Berkeley
Redesign of campus parking signage across UC Berkeley and adjacent areas
Other projects included exhibit signage, building directories, and department building identification
Developed in collaboration with creative director at Bruning + Associates

Exhibit design for Logitech headquarters
Permanent exhibit for Logitech’s California campus
Highlights Logitech’s role in the invention of the computer mouse
Produced schematic guide for exhibit case maker, fabricators, and lighting designers
Developed in collaboration with creative director at Bruning + Associates